Son of Nun's New Video Features Baltimore's Radical Activists
Released on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the video highlights past and present uprisings and their causes in the U.S. But the mini-documentary also features various current organizers in Baltimore and their visions for the city and how they plan to manifest them, a press release by Firebrand Records said.
SPARK MAG: Son of Nun is Angry and ready for 2017
“I can’t think of a good reason to only focus on one struggle when the powers that be don’t, there’s no such thing as a single-issue presidential administration. They’ve got a little something for everyone so we might as well work together as leaders of our own struggles if we’re going to make any substantive change. I think highlighting various struggles makes resistance to the status quo more compelling.”
S.O.N. on Activism & Music in the JHU Newsletter
Recently a JHU Newsletter reporter attended #WestWednesday and was moved by the experience. I performed one of my songs at that one and he reached out to do a story on what I do. Check it out.
The Economist Features S.O.N. in Election Series
A few weeks ago The Economist reached out to do a piece on me and my thoughts on the U.S. elections. I showed them something more important. I took them to West Wednesday, Tubman House, and "A Baltimore Divided" Ron William's Univ. of Baltimore class. They needed to see the Baltimore that will be fighting for justice regardless of who's in the White House next year.
On Set of New S.O.N. Video
IMWIL came through for the shoot and a brief interview. If you haven't checked out the site... you're missing out!
S.O.N. Responds to Charges Being Dropped in Remaining Freddie Gray Cases: AlterNet
AlterNet reached out for comment on the final legal act of disgrace to Freddie Gray's legacy, asserting that none of the officers involved had any responsibility for his severed spine and death. The article by Sarah Lazare is solid, here's the link -
City Paper: Baltimore rapper Son of Nun confronts Rep. Steve King over 'subgroup' comments
I was eating with friends at a soul food restaurant at the RNC and MSNBC's Chuck Todd sits down at a table next to ours, then racist-ass rep. Steve King walks in and starts talking to him. I know I have to say something and Ryan already has his camera out so...
Here's the Baltimore City Paper's piece on it -
City Paper: RNC Day 1 in photos
Photo: J.M. Giordano
Baltimore City Paper's Dispatches from the RNC in photos article
Chuck D, Prophets of Rage, S/O #Justice4TyroneWest
After opening for #ProphetsofRage at the End Poverty Now rally & march at the #RNCinCLE I asked a few hip hop veterans to show love on the 3rd anniversary of #TyroneWest 's beating death at the hands of Baltimore cops.
Prophets of Rage vs the RNC w/ Ryan Harvey, S.O.N., Rebel Diaz
Prophets of Rage will be playing the End Poverty Now rally Monday 7/18 at 1pm w/ Son of Nun, Ryan Harvey, and Rebel Diaz. #MakeAmericaRageAgain #Cleveland #DumpTrump
#Baltimore 50 arrested shutting down I-83 #IdaAndAssata #Artscape
Photo: @ladybrew
#IdaAndAssata #StLShutItDown
After shutting down the highway #StLouis #BlackLivesMatter rallied at #NN16 #IdaAndAssata
Big Announcement Coming Soon...
Keep checking back for a big announcement coming in the next couple days!
Brexit: A Nail in the Coffin of Neo-colonialism in Africa | Black Agenda Report
“The economic and political hegemony enjoyed by both Western Europe and the U.S. is at the expense of the “underdeveloped” world.” - Netfa Freeman
Jesse Williams' BET Awards 2016 Speech: Watch | Billboard
Jesse Williams kills, resurrects BET Awards
Rock Against the TPP! Tom Morello, Flobots, S.O.N., Anti-Flag+
Join us for a nationwide uprising and concert tour to stop the biggest corporate power grab in history: the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Organized by Fight for the Future, legendary guitarist Tom Morello, and Firebrand Records.
Tom Morello Unleashes 'Rebel Music' Label Firebrand's First Song | Rolling Stone
Son of Nun's "It's Like That" first song off Firebrand Records, the new label for radical music founded by Tom Morello & Ryan Harvey!
Black Power Remembered with Ms. Dorie Ladner – iMiXWHATiLiKE!